Témé Tan

Témé Tan


  1. Améthys
  2. Ça Va Pas La Tête ?
  3. Champion
  4. Menteur
  5. Coups De Griffe
  6. Ouvrir La Cage


  1. Le Ciel
  2. Matiti
  3. Olivia
  4. Sè Zwa Zo
  5. Tatou Kité
  6. Hospital







Traveling is in Témé Tan’s blood - born in the Democratic Republic of Congo, his family were constantly back and forth between Belgium and Kinshasa - something which is effortlessly reflected and at the heart of his debut LP which is both ultra modern, reflecting the life of a man who can feel at home on four continents, and shot through with a deep respect for older traditions and identities.

Témé Tan • Témé Tan • Témé Tan • Témé Tan •

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