7 Days In Entebbe O.s.t.

Soundtrack, Rodrigo Amarante
  1. Looking Back
  2. Boarding
  3. Strategy
  4. Ms. Martel Escapes
  5. A Purpose
  6. Innocence Lost
  7. Passports
  8. Arriving In Entebbe
  9. Reasons
  10. Cabinet
  11. A Light
  12. Prime Minister And The News
  13. Silence
  14. Close Enemies
  15. The Last Hour
  16. Operations Begin
  17. Low Altitude
  18. Aftermath
  19. 0515 Beginning
  20. Chair Dance




•Score by Rodrigo Amarante (Narcos)
•Famed Brazilian singer/songwriter
•Score for the film 7 Days In Entebbe, inspired by the true events of the 1976 Air France hijacking

7 Days In Entebbe O.s.t. • 7 Days In Entebbe O.s.t. • 7 Days In Entebbe O.s.t. • 7 Days In Entebbe O.s.t. •

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