1. Re-Hash  
  2. 5/4  
  3. Tomorrow comes today  
  4. New genious (Brother)  
  5. Clint Eastwood (featuring Del Tha Funkee Homosapien)  
  6. Man Research (clapper)  
  7. Punk  
  8. Sound check (gravity)  
  9. Double bass  
  10. Rock the house (featuring Del Tha Funkee Homosapien)  
  11. 19-2000  
  12. Latin Simone (¿que pasa contigo?) (featuring Ibrahim Ferrer)  
  13. Starshine  
  14. Slow country  
  15. M1 A1  
  16. Clint Eastwood (Ed Case/Sweetie Irie refix) (edit)  
  17. 19-2000 (soulchild remix)

Gorillaz • Gorillaz • Gorillaz • Gorillaz •

Gorillaz Gorillaz
Gorillaz are a british virtual band formed in 1998 by Damon Albarn of Blur, and Jamie Hewlett, co-creator of the comic book Tank Girl. They had the idea to create the band while watching MTV in their London flat and originally intended to call the project Gorilla. The band consists of four fictional band members: 2-D (vocals, keyboard), Murdoc Niccals (bass), Noodle (guitar, vocals), and Russel Hobbs (drums). These characters only appear in animated form and are not alter-egos of real people, as is often mistakenly assumed. There is an extensive fictional back-story behind these band members, written by Albarn and Hewlett. Their albums, several of their music videos, and their ...
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