1. La Ville
  2. September
  3. 5:15
  4. Duet
  5. Keep On


  1. Zasebne sobe
  2. Prenzlauer Allee
  3. Ne iščeva konca
  4. Predstava


Melodrom LP • Melodrom LP • Melodrom LP • Melodrom LP •

Melodrom Melodrom
-The group was first founded in the year 2000 with the original intention to compose and record soundtracks solely for theatre performances and shows. With all the original band members remaining the same Melodrom still contributes tracks for various performances while their main focus has changed. The soundtracks are now only a small part of it. - So far Melodrom has released 4 albums (Nika records; Automatik records): Melodrom in 2004, The Guide in 2006, a remix album Variacije in 2008 and Vse kar si pustila da leži na tleh in May 2010. The debut album was proclaimed “album of the year 2004” by Slovene no.1 newspaper Delo and Slovene national television. Counting days, the first ...
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Drugi albumi

The Guide
Melodrom The Guide
CD 2006
6,99 €
Melodrom Melodrom
CD 2004
6,99 €
Melodrom Variacije
CD 2009
6,99 €

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