1. Invisible
  2. All Of You
  3. Give It All Up
  4. Anniversary
  5. Future Past
  6. Beautiful Lies
  7. Tonight United
  8. Wing
  9. Nothing Less
  10. Hammerhead
  11. More Joy!
  12. Falling

Future Past • Future Past • Future Past • Future Past •

Duran Duran Duran Duran
Duran Duran (named after a character in Roger Vadim’s sci-fi classic, Barbarella) is an electronic pop rock band that was part of the new wave movement of the 80s and 90s. Created by Nick Rhodes (keyboards) and John Taylor (bass) in Birmingham, England in 1978, it later add took in Roger Taylor (drums), Andy Taylor (guitar), and Simon Le Bon (lead vocals). The band has sold more than 70 million records over their more than 25 years of existence, making them one of the best-selling groups in history. Their songs are often vivid, hook-laden pieces dance pop that have fared well on the radio, but what many remember best about Duran Duran is their iconic music videos. Though many of the ...
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