Some Kinda Love (Performing The Music Of The Velvet Underground)



  1. Sunday Morning
  2. Who Loves The Sun
  3. There She Goes Again
  4. What Goes On
  5. Sweet Jane


  1. Head Held High
  2. Waiting For The Man
  3. White Light/White Heat
  4. I Heard Her Call My Name


  1. New Age
  2. That's The Story Of My Life
  3. All Tomorrow's Parties
  4. Rock And Roll


  1. We're Gonna Have A Real Good Time Together
  2. Run Run Run
  3. I Can't Stand It
  4. After Hours
  5. Oh! Sweet Nuthin'

Some Kinda Love (Performing The Music Of The Velvet Underground) • Some Kinda Love (Performing The Music Of The Velvet Underground) • Some Kinda Love (Performing The Music Of The Velvet Underground) • Some Kinda Love (Performing The Music Of The Velvet Underground) •

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