1. Mala nimfomanka
  2. Črn tulipan
  3. Slab spomin
  4. Vrn se k men
  5. Rola se
  6. Sanja se ti ne
  7. Nekaj je na njej
  8. Normalen
  9. Garbage
  10. Led s severa
  11. Užitek na replay
  12. Nisem več s tabo
  13. Pot do sonca



Akustika • Akustika • Akustika • Akustika •

Big Foot Mama Big Foot Mama
Big Foot Mama is one of the most successful rock bands from Slovenia in recent years. They started their career in 1990 and after their third album, Tretja dimenzija (Third dimension), they were considered the rock band of the decade, breaking sales records in rock category and selling out some of the biggest venues in the capital Ljubljana like Križanke and Hala Tivoli, which were previously considered as unconquerable for Slovenian rock bands (even though they weren't the first, both locations were full at Siddharta concerts).
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