1. Glavnom ulicom
  2. Kao prije
  3. Hajde kaži pošteno
  4. Trebaš mi
  5. Ne zovi
  6. Noćas mi se hoće
  7. Ma 'ajde (gledaj stvari mojim očima)
  8. Ne ostavljaj me samog
  9. Zapleši sa mnom ovu noć
  10. Kaži mi
  11. Nataša
  12. A ja bih sa vragom

Glavnom ulicom • Glavnom ulicom • Glavnom ulicom • Glavnom ulicom •

Parni Valjak Parni Valjak
Parni valjak (“Steamroller”) is a Croatian and former Yugoslav rock band, formed in 1975. They were one of the top acts of the former Yugoslav Rock scene, and one of the top rock-and-roll bands in Croatia. On their first record, the members of the Zagreb group said that they were a rock ‘n’ roll band. They then proved it with numerous successful live appearances. On their second album, they promised that they were willing to go headlong through walls, while on their third album, the first to be internationally distributed, they said that they were city kids who beside being musicians were fond of stories. The fourth album “Vruce igre” (“Hot games”) which was like it predecessor ...
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Drugi albumi

Live in Pula
Parni Valjak Live in Pula
CD2 2017/2022
14,99 €
Buđenje (180g)
Parni Valjak Buđenje (180g)
LP 2022
22,99 €
Parni Valjak Vrijeme
CD 2018
12,99 €
Parni Valjak Antologija
CD4 2020
16,99 €
Live in Pula
Parni Valjak Live in Pula
Blu-Ray 2022
14,99 €
Parni Valjak Vrijeme
LP 2019 Ni na zalogi
18,99 €
Live In Pula (CD2 + Blu-Ray)
Parni Valjak Live In Pula (CD2 + Blu-Ray)
CD2 2017 Ni na zalogi
25,99 €
Parni Valjak Antologija
CD4 2017 Ni na zalogi
25,99 €
Original Album Collection Vol. 1
Parni Valjak Original Album Collection Vol. 1
CD5 2015 Ni na zalogi
17,99 €
Nema Predaje
Parni Valjak Nema Predaje
LP2 2013 Ni na zalogi
19,99 €
Koncentrat 1977.-1983
Parni Valjak Koncentrat 1977.-1983
CD 2005 Ni na zalogi
3,99 €

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