Live At The Forum ‘76

Eagles Eagles


  1. 1. Take It Easy (Live at The Los Angeles Forum, 10/20-22/76)
  2. 2. Take It To The Limit (Live at The Los Angeles Forum, 10/20-22/76)
  3. 3. New Kid In Town (Live at The Los Angeles Forum, 10/20-22/76)


  1. 1. James Dean (Live at The Los Angeles Forum, 10/20-22/76)
  2. 2. Good Day In Hell (Live at The Los Angeles Forum, 10/20-22/76)
  3. 3. Witchy Woman (Live at The Los Angeles Forum, 10/20-22/76)
  4. 4. Funk #49 (Live at The Los Angeles Forum, 10/20-22/76)


  1. One of These Nights (Live at The Los Angeles Forum, 10/20-22/76)
  2. Hotel California (Live at The Los Angeles Forum, 10/20-22/76)
  3. Already Gone (Live at The Los Angeles Forum, 10/20-22/76)

Live At The Forum ‘76 • Live At The Forum ‘76 • Live At The Forum ‘76 • Live At The Forum ‘76 •

Eagles Eagles
Eagles are an American rock band that was formed in Los Angeles, California in 1971. Currently consisting of vocalist/drummer Don Henley, vocalist/guitarist Glenn Frey, guitarist/vocalist Joe Walsh and bassist/vocalist Timothy B. Schmit, the band had five Number 1 singles and six Number 1 albums. the Eagles were one of the most successful recording artists of the 1970s. The Eagles’ album, Their Greatest Hits 1971-1975 was named as the best-selling album of the 20th Century with 26 million sold, and, along with the album Hotel California, was ranked among the ten all time best-selling albums by the Recording Industry Association of America. The band’s recording and touring schedule ...
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