Fireworks & Rollerblades (Clear Vinyl)

Benson Boone



The title of Benson Boone’s new album Fireworks & Rollerblades originates from the line “like two fireworks tied to a roller blade” in the song “Hello Love.”  Not only did it inspire the album title, but it’s a metaphor for the life that he now lives. The last two years have been incredibly exciting as his music career has taken off at a rapid pace but at the same time they have been chaotic while learning to find balance in his new reality. The album takes you through a roller coaster of emotions connected to Boone’s personal life.

Fireworks & Rollerblades (Clear Vinyl) • Fireworks & Rollerblades (Clear Vinyl) • Fireworks & Rollerblades (Clear Vinyl) • Fireworks & Rollerblades (Clear Vinyl) •