Pictures Of Home

Edith Piaf Edith Piaf


  1. La Vie En Rose
  2. Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien
  3. Heaven Have Mercy
  4. Hymne a L'amour
  5. The Three Bells
  6. Mom Dieu


  1. Mea Culpa
  2. Les Amants De Venise
  3. Enfin Le Printemps
  4. Monsieur Lenoble
  5. Les Croix
  6. Marie Trottoir

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Edith Piaf Edith Piaf
Édith Piaf (born Édith Giovanna Gassion, 19 December, 1915 – 11 October, 1963), was a French singer and cultural icon who became universally regarded as France’s greatest popular singer. Her singing reflected her life, with her specialty being ballads. Among her songs are “La Vie en rose” (1946), “Non, je ne regrette rien” (1960), “Hymne à l’amour” (1949), “Milord” (1959), “La Foule” (1957), “l’Accordéoniste” (1955), and “Padam… Padam…” (1951). Despite the numerous biographies, many facts and events of Édith’s life are shrouded in mystery. She was born Édith Giovanna Gassion in Belleville, Paris, France, the high-immigration district later described by Daniel Pennac. Legend has it that ...
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