Eagles (limited Numbered Edition) (hybrid-sacd) (SACD)

Eagles Eagles
  1. Take It Easy
  2. Witchy Woman
  3. Chug All Night
  4. Most Of Us Are Sad
  5. Nightingale
  6. Train Leaves Here This Morning
  7. Take The Devil
  8. Earlybird
  9. Peaceful Easy Feeling
  10. Tryin'

Eagles (limited Numbered Edition) (hybrid-sacd) (SACD) • Eagles (limited Numbered Edition) (hybrid-sacd) (SACD) • Eagles (limited Numbered Edition) (hybrid-sacd) (SACD) • Eagles (limited Numbered Edition) (hybrid-sacd) (SACD) •

Eagles Eagles
Eagles are an American rock band that was formed in Los Angeles, California in 1971. Currently consisting of vocalist/drummer Don Henley, vocalist/guitarist Glenn Frey, guitarist/vocalist Joe Walsh and bassist/vocalist Timothy B. Schmit, the band had five Number 1 singles and six Number 1 albums. the Eagles were one of the most successful recording artists of the 1970s. The Eagles’ album, Their Greatest Hits 1971-1975 was named as the best-selling album of the 20th Century with 26 million sold, and, along with the album Hotel California, was ranked among the ten all time best-selling albums by the Recording Industry Association of America. The band’s recording and touring schedule ...
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